The best way to do this is to write a blog post

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The best way to do this is to write a blog post

Post by Liton920@ »

Here’s an example of a 2020 goal planning workbook content upgrade. lead generation content upgrade worksheet Consider if your topic makes sense to have a workbook created alongside it for your readers to complete while they read your blog post. 10. Guides This can be a full guide or a quick start guide, but putting together a step-by-step can help your audience learn how to do something even more easily, while you walk them through it every step of the way.

These are often created in document form, but can even be made as a webinar or presentation. Here’s a great example of a guide used as a lead generation tool from Tailwind. lead generation content upgrade guides 11. denmark business email database Challenges Make your content upgrade fun for your audience by inviting them to join a challenge. This can be a small email challenge or a big challenge that you create a Facebook Group for all participants to keep everyone accountable.

about doing something like growing your email list to X amount of people, or creating X amount of content in a certain time frame, then challenging your audience to do it with you. Here’s a great example of an email challenge content upgrade. lead generation content upgrade challenge It sounds hard to do, but by creating a challenge around it, you’re making it fun and productive for your readers.
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