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Those programs eat up a lot of bandwidth

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 9:29 am
by Liton920@
MongoDB, for example, is a NoSQL database program, so it's pretty technical stuff, but they host webinars as open offices. It's pretty cool. Every Monday or each Tuesday at 5 PM they have, essentially, an open mic. webinar host mongodb They are waiting in the room, people join up, and then just do live Q&A. There is no specific content prepared ahead, they do an improvised demo, on the fly.

It's an interesting way to scale support. Focus on sound quality You might think that video is the most important thing when it comes to webinars — but actually, Gilles says that audio is more important. If you go to croatia business email database YouTube and have a poor connection, you might not notice the video quality, but you cannot watch a video with crappy sound — super annoying. webinar sound quality reaction While hosting, make sure that you wear headphones to reduce echo as much as possible.

Close all those apps — Skype, GChat, Slack. Turn that Google Chrome or Dropbox synchronization off. . When you are done screen sharing, turn it off. This is super important, as it eats a lot of CPU. Make sure your computer can focus all its bandwidth on delivering high-quality sound, and sacrifice video over sound if you need to.