Global Client Optimization Architect

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Global Client Optimization Architect

Post by rifat28dddd »

3. Imagine that you can [perform the task] with double efficiency. I'll cut to the chase: My company has a product/tool ​​called [Product Name] that helps you [do tasks] 2x more efficiently than traditional tools. I'm guessing you might be a little skeptical right now, so here's a testimonial from about the results they achieved with . [Insert review] Give me a shout if you want to double your efficiency at [task]. Thanks to, from [Company]. Why This Template Works: Who doesn't want to improve their team's productivity? 4. Stop throwing that $12,900 down the drain every month.

2x more efficiently than traditional tools. I know your russia whatsapp resource business has about 200 employees who [do tasks] once a week, so I went ahead and did the math: If you use our tool, it could save you $12,900 or more each month. I bet your CFO would be very pleased, huh? If you want to save that $12,900 (which you could have put into marketing or hiring more staff), give me a call. Thanks to, [Name] from [Company]. Why This Template Works: The power of this template is in its specificity.

You will make your pitch so compelling by telling your prospect the exact amount they will save by using your product. 5. Increase your income by $12,900 every month. Hello [Name], My company has a product/tool ​​[Product Name] that helps you [do a task] more efficiently and generate more revenue. I know your business has about 200 employees who [do tasks] once a week, and assuming [assumption], that means our tool could generate $12,900 or more for you each month. Getting started with [Product Name] is easy — there's virtually no training required, and I can help you set it up in 10 minutes.
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