Types of conflicts at work

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Types of conflicts at work

Post by maksudasm »

Incidents can affect the efficiency of the entire enterprise. Based on this, they can be divided into two large blocks:

Dysfunctional (aka destructive). Reduce the efficiency of the team.

Functional (constructive). In the process of resolution, the team gets rid of old methods of work, finding other ways. The result is an improvement in the efficiency of the company's work.

Conflicts can be divided depending on the reasons that provoke them into:

cognitive (the thoughts and knowledge of the participants do not coincide);

target (difference in goals);

sensory (different sensations arise).

Disputes can differ in focus, highlighting:

horizontal (colleagues who jamaica phone data are at the same level of hierarchy in the company participate);

vertical (the parties to the conflict are the boss and the subordinate);

mixed (combination of the first two types).

Types of conflicts at work

Source: shutterstock.com

Conflicts can be divided into groups based on the way their participants interact:

Interpersonal . These are the most common. The reason may be a struggle for resources or a position, differences in character, life values, priorities.

Intrapersonal . The psyche of one person is involved. The reason may be a contradiction between the manager's requirements and the job description. In addition, such a conflict may provoke the employee's dissatisfaction with the situation that is developing in the company.

Aggravating factors will be stress and accumulated fatigue. In their pure form, such incidents do not affect the efficiency of the company. However, they can develop into interpersonal ones, including confrontation within the team itself.

Intra-group : Such conflicts arise when the opinion or principles of one team member contradict the goals of the entire team.

Intergroup . These are quite common. They can be caused by a struggle for resources between departments or groups in a team. Rivalry can also arise due to misunderstandings, including solving the same problems in different ways.

Intra-organizational . Such conflicts arise when a company is just being created. Tasks and powers are being distributed. They can arise between representatives of different hierarchical levels or team members with the same powers.

In addition, such conflict situations can arise against the background of a dispute between the boss and leading specialists. Then they are called role and linear-functional.
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