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Post by maksudasm »

it. There you can also see the progress and monitor the deadline. Now the employee clearly sees how to organize his work to meet the schedule, and all orders are issued on time. The clients are happy.

Previously, the term "optimization" was frightening, as many understood it as impending layoffs. Reducing staff numbers is indeed an option for changing a company's expenses. But there are many other different actions that can help reduce costs and increase profits, such as employee training, purchasing additional equipment and software, and even, on the contrary, hiring additional specialists.

When should a business owner think about optimization? If we exaggerate a lot, we can say when something goes wrong. It is necessary to improve the indicators of an already operating business. Over time, with the growth of the enterprise and the owner's experience, deviations from the set tasks may become more frequent. Or as the business grows, profits do not begin to grow.

There is a list of signs that will let you know that your business needs optimization.

The quality of goods or japan phone data ervices has decreased . Customers have begun to express dissatisfaction more often, and cases of returning goods due to defects have become more frequent. All this should be followed by an immediate reaction from the owner.

Departments do not communicate well with each other . There is no responsibility for the work at their stage. For example, marketers brought potential buyers who are not your target group. Naturally, the sales department will not make a plan for such clients. A close-knit team will always give the best result.

Responsibilities are blurred between employees . There are no job descriptions, so some things in the company are done above the norm, and some tasks are always idle. The best solution would be to create process maps, job descriptions and work schemes for each employee and process.

Speed ​​of decision-making . Potential clients and partners may leave you due to a slow process. A long chain of approvals, constant busyness of management, lack of a clear management structure - all this spoils the company's reputation.

There is such a tool as SWOT analysis. With its help, you can also identify weak points in business, threats and develop tactics of action.

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Types of business processes subject to optimization
Optimization of business processes should be carried out at different stages of the company's work. Having studied the needs of the business, it is possible to optimize:

Quality of goods and services . You can improve these indicators by analyzing the actions taken during production. Work on the shortcomings, and you will get many new loyal consumers.

Production costs and product cost . Think about how to reduce costs without losing quality. Review raw materials, materials, operating costs, personnel efficiency and optimize these indicators.

Organizational structure : redistribution of resources can be very effective. Timely revision of tasks and responsibilities will give a new impetus to the development of the company.

Manageability of the company . It can be increased without resorting to hiring additional personnel, but simply by working with management systems, among which are, for example, CRM or ERP. This increases the transparency of all processes, makes the management system more understandable and leads to a decrease in the number of mistakes that the team can make.

Automation of production processes . In order to move forward effectively, some routine tasks can now be entrusted to modern technologies. Then employees free from them will have the opportunity to prove themselves in more complex areas, which will definitely bear fruit. For example, sending letters, publishing posts on social networks can really be set up in automatic mode, which will definitely save you time.

When improving the company's work, you can work on individual business processes or on the entire system at once. You need to clearly understand the goals that will arise based on your needs at all stages of production of goods or services. The meaning of optimization will always be in improving the quality of the final product and increasing profits, which will have a positive effect on the company's rating on the market among consumers and partners.
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