Stages of building a customer journey map

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Stages of building a customer journey map

Post by maksudasm »

Developing a customer journey map is a complex process that involves a number of steps, which are presented below.

Preparation stage: goals, consumer segments, team
At the preparatory stage, it is necessary to define clear goals that the CJM will help achieve. Or, it is necessary to identify problems that the customer journey map can solve. In this case, the goals may be improving the customer experience, increasing sales volumes or conversions. It is necessary to clearly define the result that the CJM being developed will help achieve.

In addition, it is necessary to clearly understand for which particular customer segment the path will be analyzed. For example, these could be corporate buyers, individuals, regular customers, representatives of regions, etc.

Target preparation stage, consumer segments, team


Next, you need to create a team saudi arabia phone data that will work on the CJM. You should discuss the goals of the customer journey map with its members, as well as the tasks and roles of all developers. Ideally, the team should include specialists responsible for various stages of interaction with the client.

These may include marketers, consultants, salespeople, customer support staff, delivery people, logisticians, designers, analysts, product managers, and executives who influence decision-making within the company.

Research of client behavioral characteristics
At this stage, a detailed analysis of the behavior of potential buyers takes place. To solve this problem, it is necessary:

collect data on consumer behavior that can be obtained from analytical services, advertising and CRM systems. In addition, it is necessary to study reviews, interview data and find the most recent research on this issue;

conduct conversations with the company's employees who come into contact with consumers (managers of technical support, sales, delivery departments, consultants, etc.);

analyze competitors based on the specifics of their interactions with the target audience, find possible solutions on the Internet and other open sources;

organize surveys, interviews or conduct focus groups;

analyze the collected information, identify current trends, consumer requests and preferences, their problems and positive feedback about the experience of interacting with the product.

In the process of communicating with clients, it is necessary to pay close attention to feedback channels, take into account comments and recommendations for improving company offers. It is important to record and identify the emotions that consumers experience at different stages of the customer journey. It is necessary to analyze in more detail the problems that clients point out, ask leading questions to understand the essence of the difficulties.
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