his is a serious disease, the problem of

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his is a serious disease, the problem of

Post by sumaiyakhatun27 »

Which is very well described in the 8th episode of the 11th season of the animated series "South Park". A person suffering from it involuntarily says obscene words (according to "South Park"), regardless of age, environment and situation. These are nervous tics (motor and vocal) that a person cannot control. Like having a snake cat. @%$@##$!! Kirkorov and nails The number of queries about spring manicure and, in particular, about "spring nail design" continues to grow (+400%).

If this is your business, then you can easily ride the trend and get new clients list of kenya whatsapp phone numbers by writing a couple of articles on this topic with a good photo series. And immediately prepare materials on summer nail design so that it comes out in advance and has time to be indexed by search engines by summer. But what was not predictable was "Kirkorov after plastic surgery" (+90%).

It turns out that the man with a blue mood and the star of Ibiza underwent plastic surgery in March - all for the sake of you and me. And now the difference in his appearance is being hotly discussed. But before discussing, you need to see "before" and "after". Here it is: Perhaps it was worth changing gradually, in a series of unnoticeable operations, as Hollywood stars do today, rather than arranging a major overhaul of the facade? It is not for us to judge.
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