8 ways our cell phones are ruining our lives

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8 ways our cell phones are ruining our lives

Post by bitheerani319 »

A while ago someone asked me what gadget I couldn't imagine life without. And while I was thinking about my Macbooks, iPads, headphones, and other gadgets, I realized that I was holding an iPhone in my hand with several tabs open and a cursory glance at it.

Yes, there was no doubt that the little gadget called a cell phone that I never go anywhere without is the most important thing in my life. At least when it comes to gadgets. Unlike many people, including those who read my blog, I remember a time before cell phones.

Those were strange times and I'm not sure we could function like that today. How could we possibly be at peace if we didn't know where someone was at all times? How could we trust that that person would 100% come australia whatsapp list when they promised? And what if they don't? And what if we remember that we need baking powder? What then? Who do we call to buy it on the way home?

What did we even do before cell phones? What did we do without social media? Without online newspapers? Without YouTube and vlogs? Without Netflix, whose app I also have on my phone? How could we possibly do the same work that didn't require email, and today emails arrive all day long, even well after working hours?

A few days ago, my mom called me on her cell phone at 5 a.m. She quickly hung up, but just seconds later she called again. Not because she needed anything, but because she was checking her emails at 5 a.m. and who knows what else, so she accidentally pressed the call button. The charms of modern technology, huh?

I think that at that moment, the cell phone ruined both her and my life, I won't say it ruined my morning sleep, but it definitely ruined my sleep. For her, because she needs to check her emails at 5 am, and for me, because I could have slept for another 2 hours. You may not even think about it, but the fact is that our beloved gadget is ruining our life a little, or at least spoiling it, because I don't want to be overly dramatic in bombastic statements.

I don't know why I've been such a negative person lately because I recently wrote about 15 things that annoy me on social media , and now about the negative sides of cell phones, but what can you do, I guess I'm more of a grumpy cat by nature, so I tend to look for the negative first.
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