3. Create and share quality content

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3. Create and share quality content

Post by Dimaeiya333 »

Posting content on a recurring basis is not enough, you can even post several times a day without connecting with your audience. To get good quality images, you can use either a high-end smartphone or a professional camera, and to retouch them, use an online editor, app or some program from the Adobe suite. You can also post videos of up to 60 seconds, as long as you have a business profile and up to 15 seconds on Instagram stories.

A great example of this is the footage shared by the camera brand GoPro. They create material that contextualizes the use of their products, sharing different experiences with their followers.

Publish content that is relevant to your target audience. This will be the only way to captivate your audience and people will be more interested in following your posts and news.

4. Generate interaction and promotion
On social media, it's not just about high-value content , you should also take advantage of all the tools each of them has to increase their reach and exposure. Here are some tips to optimize your promotion and encourage interactions:

For a couple of months now, you can follow hashtags. This has become one of the main tools to help your posts get a greater reach. Keep these tips in mind:

Use your keywords as hashtags
Research what your competition and influencers in your niche use
Avoid those that are not relevant to the topic of your posts or your brand.
Write them at the end of each photo or post, below an attractive message and/or call to action.
Don't saturate your posts with tons of hashtags, 2 or 3 are enough
Clear and precise CTAs
A precise call to action in all your posts generates higher conversions, since people will more easily interpret what they must do to achieve a certain objective.

Ask questions or pose challenges in your posts so people can interact croatia mobile phone number list with each other based on their opinions or answers.

Share exchange
Find a friendly brand and send them a message asking if they would be willing to share your content in exchange for you sharing theirs. It is one of the best strategies to get a fast growth of followers. Of course, choose a profile that is equally or more attractive than yours.

You already know the 4 steps to follow to boost your strategy on Instagram. Don't leave any of them aside, apply each principle to develop your audience and improve your brand's digital positioning.

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