Open-ended requests, such as "Tell me a time that's convenient for you,

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Open-ended requests, such as "Tell me a time that's convenient for you,

Post by shaownhasane »

#2: Guide consumers
The next behavioral concept is priming. Priming effects refer to algeria email list how contextual factors before making a purchase decision unconsciously influence a consumer's choice. When it comes to our brains and behavioral economics, everything matters, even the small, random things.

Research shows that subtle environmental factors influence our perceptions and decisions, even if we are not aware of them. For example, Melina described a study in which researchers briefly held a hot or cold drink before rating a person's personality based on a description. The person holding the cold drink perceived the person as colder and more distant than the person holding the hot drink.

Other studies have found that factors such as the phonetic pronunciation of certain words, the shape of objects in a room or images on marketing materials can influence people's speed, cooperation, feelings and purchasing decisions. For example, the image of a rose in an ad that aired in December has a different meaning than the image of a rose in an ad that aired on February 14. Our brains make connections that we unconsciously remember. Therefore, details such as color choices or visuals on a website are not neutral – they can stimulate our brains.

Likewise, adding coffee aroma to a gas station booster boosted coffee sales by 300%, demonstrating the power of sensory priming. Although marketers do not have the opportunity to manage the physical sensations around consumers, they can consider applying priming effects more practically in the following ways:
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