Home > Digital PR > The best web marketing techniques to promote your event
Organizing an event is a great way to personally connect with current and potential customers. But what are the most effective digital tools and methodologies to best promote it, increasing engagement and brand awareness?
For marketers, it's a well-known story: every opportunity is a good one to build relationships with your contacts , earn their trust and thus open the way to new customers. This is why organizing an event, where you can talk face to face with aruba email list current customers or potential buyers, still remains one of the most effective marketing moves . It doesn't matter what type of company you are, nor what kind of event you want to organize: what matters is planning a solid event marketing strategy .
Event marketing is a promotional strategy aimed at physically connecting companies and customers (potential or current) in very specific contexts, such as press conferences, conventions, events for the launch of a new product or service. With the advent of web marketing , event marketing can count on the fundamental support of extremely effective digital tools in the promotion phase , as they can reach a high number of contacts who are truly interested in the event.
The first, fundamental step consists in creating a web space dedicated to the event (it can be a real site or, more simply, a Facebook event page, for example). After that, we move on to the actual promotion phase.
Here are the main web tools you can use to promote your event and determine its success. Unless otherwise indicated, the data reported is taken from this infographic by HubSpot.