This platform is distinguished by high security of users' confidential information. It is not possible to find out the audience's contact information here, but Telegram can also be used to attract competitors' clients. The platform has many thematic channels, which contain a fairly diverse target audience. To find potential clients among subscribers, you need to know your target audience well: their interests and needs. The easiest method of attracting from Telegram is to place advertising posts in groups where your potential consumers may be.
There are also methods turn leads into sales with overseas chinese in worldwide data related to the use of parsers that analyze active Telegram users in open groups. However, access to the audience is prohibited on closed channels of the messenger. You can try to attract the target audience of competitors from Telegram using the services and They offer convenient and high-speed parsing that collects data not only about users, but also about group administrators.
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Inclusion of phrases used by others in the keyword lists for Yandex.Direct
In order to attract competitor's clients and show them your advertisements, you can use the same keywords as the rival company. There are many services for obtaining a list of such queries. These resources were created for specialists involved in setting up contextual advertising. They significantly simplify working with Yandex.Direct. Some of them, for a separate fee, provide tools for creating a list of keywords by which a specific company promotes its advertising campaigns.
Keywords for Yandex.Direct
Below is a list of services that contain functionality for collecting competitors' keys:;;;;;;;;;