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Structure of the sales department regulations

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2025 5:15 am
by maksudasm
When developing regulations, you need to pay attention to their structure. The data on the level of development of the company and the methods of interaction with clients that employees use will help you choose a good option. The following types of structures are most often distinguished:

single-stage – appropriate if only one employee negotiates with clients. He works with them from the beginning to the end of the transaction, makes cold calls and processes incoming requests, monitors the post-sales period, etc.;

two-stage - works in sales departments, where the team is divided into 2 fronts: some are engaged in attracting potential clients, and the others fully serve them;

three-stage – effective physician database in departments that are even more segmented: some managers make cold calls, others bring agreed clients to the deal, and others promote additional sales after the deal is concluded, trying to maintain contact for further cooperation;

mixed - this format of regulations is appropriate in those departments in which a certain share of work is transferred to related structural divisions. Example: salespeople close a deal, but then transfer it to logisticians to complete it finally.

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Sales department regulations recording forms
Thinking over the optimal document takes a lot of time. But it is also very important to think about what form of recording the sales department regulations is more wise to choose.

The following types of fixation exist:

In text form: easy and simple to implement, no special knowledge in the field of computer science is required, the design will take a little time. Of the minuses - a simplified version, does not stimulate serious perception of what is written, it is impossible to quickly change something, does not contribute at all to the formation of a comprehensive understanding of the rules among employees;

In the form of tables: allows you to see the provisions both clearly and understandably, simplifies the understanding of all the settings. Of the minuses - it is impossible to clearly display any parallel tasks or alternative solutions to the problem;

In the form of graphic block diagrams: it becomes possible to visualize all data, structure the available information, and correctly convey it to the team. The downside is that this type is developed by graphics specialists, which means additional costs are needed for this.

The most correct option is to use a combined type of development of regulations. For example, to draw up a text document, but include visual tables there.