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How to check the results of your B2B web marketing

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2025 8:37 am
by robiulhasan
Amita Corporation
Amita Corporation is a company that provides support to corporate environmental and CSR personnel and factory waste disposal personnel in resolving environmental and local issues. Amita Corporation launched
and operates a website called "CSR and Environmental Strategy Helpful Site hospital mailing leads Tell Me! Amita-san ." This is an information portal site that supports companies' CSR and environmental strategies.

As the content such as columns and Q&As is updated, interested users are asked to sign up for the email newsletter (acquiring potential customers), and further useful information is then sent to them (nurturing potential customers), making this a form of web marketing.

We explained how to practice BtoB web marketing and some success stories. By combining various methods, you can increase the number of potential customers and turn them into contracts.

In this case, you should not just implement the measures, but also check whether they are producing results. You need to identify which measures are effective and which are not, and make improvements accordingly.

Access analysis is necessary to measure the effectiveness of web marketing.
Use an access analysis tool such as Google Analytics to find out which measures were effective, such as the number of visitors to your website from your blog or from your advertisements.

However, there are probably many people who think, "Access analysis seems difficult," or "I've introduced Google Analytics but don't know how to use it properly."