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Albert Lasker, one of the founders of modern advertising

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2025 9:14 am
by maksudasm
Albert Lasker is the founder of advertising as we know it. He saved many companies from bankruptcy and came up with the formula "Advertising should make you buy." Thanks to this man, Americans acquired the habit of drinking freshly squeezed orange juice in the morning, which became a symbol of the American way of life. This tradition was adopted by residents of other countries.

Lasker managed to convince people to stop cooking pork and beans at home and buy the canned product, and from a specific manufacturer.

He got ideas for his advertisements from observing people and their behavior. The name of the cigarettes LUCKY STRIKE seems vaguely familiar even to the older non-smoking generation of Russia. Albert Lasker is the one who contributed to this memory.

While pondering the concept architect database of an advertising campaign to promote tobacco products, he came to the conclusion that success would only come if it reached underserved segments of the population. He came up with the image of a smoking woman.

The fair sex smoked, but it was frowned upon, considered indecent. Talking to his wife, watching her take out cigarettes, light them, and how a cloud of smoke momentarily hid her wrinkles, he had an idea: society's attitude toward a smoking woman needs to be changed, to make her attractive, mysterious. And he began to implement the idea.

Albert Lasker, one of the founders of modern advertising


The image of a fragile beauty with a cigarette in her hand seemed romantic and sexy. Famous actresses and singers played their roles. Tobacco products were credited with beneficial and even healing properties. American women enthusiastically tried on the image of a fatal temptress, copied it, and started smoking. And sales soared.

The experience of these famous people convincingly shows that marketing is a union of science and creativity. Professional skills and knowledge are important, but it is necessary to have a special intuitive sense. It allows you to put together not only an idea, research results, but also vague assumptions, a remark, a strange reaction of a neighbor, the smell of coffee, falling ash from an extinguished cigarette.

People with marketing talent are able to observe, notice patterns, see what others do not see. They study competitors' activities in detail, understand the needs of their customers, can predict their desires, study their product thoroughly and believe in it so much that they convey this faith to their clients. Of course, luck is always close to risk. But difficulties open up opportunities.

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