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Errors in the personnel motivation system

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2025 9:31 am
by maksudasm
Insufficient differentiation.

When using a personnel motivation system, it is very difficult to determine the differences in the assessment of efficiency. The lack of clear differentiation can negatively affect the motivation of employees who show the best results, but are ignored by management.

Focusing on only one type of motivation.

The most common incentive is rich people database monetary compensation. At the same time, employers sometimes believe that successful employees can only be inspired by being on the honor roll, and it is not necessary to recognize their merits in monetary form. Then, competitors, in order to entice valuable specialists, only need to promise them a higher salary. For the system to work, a competent combination of material and non-material stimulation methods is necessary.

Errors in the personnel motivation system


Individual motivation techniques do not produce results; a comprehensive approach is needed.

Copying the experience of other companies.

Each business has its own characteristics, and the successful implementation of a system by a bank does not mean that a chain supermarket or manufacturing company can do the same. If a scheme was developed for one company, it will not necessarily work for another - it can only be taken as a basis. When creating a personnel motivation system for an enterprise, it is necessary to proceed from the characteristics of the product, the goals and objectives of the business, and other nuances.

Lack of feedback.

Let's take a natural-born salesperson who regularly receives bonuses for fulfilling the plan. It would be a mistake for a store owner to think that such motivation is enough. Maintaining contact with the employee, publicly expressing gratitude for his success, and creating conditions for professional growth are of great importance.

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