Let us understand this by a simple example – will he/she put the 100% effort into studies? No, the same goes for a customer while he/she is buying a product or service.
Nobody can perform a task happily if he/she is not motivated italy whatsapp number enough to do so. Take any example under the sky and you will find that no person can do his/her best if he/she is not motivated enough for that.
If your marketing campaigns have lacked motivation in the past, then it’s high time that you shift your focus in gaining your consumer’s confidence by keeping them motivated throughout the sales funnel.

Unless and until your customer is motivated to buy your products or services they won’t take any step in the positive direction.
Hence you will have to focus on your marketing skills. Just by creating a good product, you can never be sure that it will alone fetch you the sales, you will have to work on so many factors to achieve your sales goal. No matter how you do it you will have to fill in the motivation in the people viewing your products and then only they will think to buy it.