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Overcoming bottlenecks in beauty salon development

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2025 10:25 am
by maksudasm
The development of a beauty salon and increasing its economic efficiency is sometimes impossible due to a certain reason, a bottleneck.

If we systematize the factors that prevent beauty salons from developing, we can identify the shortcomings of a specific establishment or chain. In doing so, we must alternately put ourselves in the shoes of the company director, staff, and clients. As a rule, the reasons that limit the development of a beauty salon are: the director of the establishment and his low qualifications, an erroneous business idea or its incorrect implementation, the amount of capital allocated for the expansion of the enterprise.

In their book Built to Last, D. Collins and D. Porrak debunked the persistent myth that for a business to thrive, it is necessary to have:

charismatic leader;

great idea.

The authors argue that when comparing gcash database companies operating in the same markets, an interesting fact emerges: firms that started with failed projects maintained stability in their work and occupied leading positions in the market, while those headed by charismatic managers quickly withered and left the market following the departure of the managers.

An example of constructing a diagram to find bottlenecks in the operation of a beauty salon chain:

Beauty salon development_diagram

In terms of the amount of capital allocated for development, recent studies have shown that its size is not as important as its timeliness for individual projects and areas of activity. A small company just entering the market does not require such a large investment capital, the main thing is that the enterprise is provided with finances in due time.

Speaking about the manager, it is worth noting that serious demands are usually made of him. Indeed, the success of a company is often associated with the talents of its leader. The main feature of a successful manager is the ability to understand his weaknesses and gaps in professional qualities. Having identified his shortcomings, such a person will be able to overcome them, increasing his professional competence, which directly affects the success of the company, its competitiveness. The main feature of a developing manager is internal freedom, the ability to make independent decisions and not succumb to external pressure. Subordinates only listen to the manager and fulfill all his requirements when they see him as a professional, capable of independently making balanced and understandable decisions for the entire company.

Reasons for the emergence of a crisis in the development of a beauty salon
Crises affect almost every area of ​​modern business, and they are unique in each sector of the economy. Let's consider what makes such moments remarkable in the service sector, namely in the work of beauty salons.

One of the reasons for the crisis may be a shortage of professional workers: specialists, masters, cosmetologists. If the employees of a beauty salon do not feel their professional and financial security, there is a high risk of them being poached by competitors. Moreover, a person may quit very unexpectedly, which will require the administrator to find a new master, and this will take some time.

The second reason for the emergence of a crisis in a beauty salon can be called factors that negatively affect the economic stability of their work. An incorrect accounting system, constant tangible expenses, even banal theft can significantly weaken the company and lead it to economic decline. High taxes and low revenue also negatively affect the economic indicators of a beauty salon and the stability of its work.