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His experiments and interview comments

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2025 10:34 am
by fomayof928@mowline
If you are older, it's an advantage because you can use all your knowledge to prompt and create images. If I were 15, I would probably generate Batman. " In other words, Eldagsen offers a framework for artists (including graphic designers) to think about how to stay relevant in the age of AI design.

His experiments and interview comments offer some list of germany fax number revelations. In the world of design, we need to shift our focus from “this looks cool” to “ok, why does this work so well?” AI can create pretty pictures, but understanding the principles behind great work is what differentiates true designers.

Effort still counts. Even with AI, Eldagsen made more than 60 edits to his images. Great design, whether human-created or AI-infused, still requires thought, refinement, and plain old hard work. Mastering AI will take you to the top. If you learn to harness AI, you can reach the top of your field.