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Constructive feedback

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2025 8:16 am
by Dimaeiya333
When we talk about employee development and learning to delegate tasks, we are not talking about getting rid of activities that they do not like or do not like to do. On the contrary, we are talking about learning to assign responsibilities that enhance their abilities.

Get out of the comfort zone
Developing your employees so that they know all the functions of the different areas or departments that comprise it will make them capable of assuming and fulfilling responsibilities that do not concern their job.

In this way they work for the benefit of the entire company and increase their knowledge.

Working towards the development of your employees will ensure that specific recommendations are included for striving, growing and improving within the company. This is constructive feedback, not criticism of their work.

How to achieve an employee development plan?
Skills analysis
It helps you define which aspects or skills need training.
Determine which skills require reinforcem vp communication officers email database ent.
Organizational objectives are at the heart of this analysis.
Identify which employees are looking for growth and desire to learn.
Initial efforts should be focused on these workers.
Invest in management and leadership training, not just current skills.
Alignment of objectives
Make sure the goals of the areas of need and the employees concerned are connected.
It is good to set goals in the short, medium and long term.
If employees are involved, the employee development plan will be carried out successfully.
Don't forget the business objectives, remember that everything must be related.
Align your goals with the type of training they want, how they want to receive it, and what they want to learn.
Consider the ways in which your company and industry are growing and include these in your staff development plan.
Make a visualization of growth in the coming years.
Some of the resources you can take into account when executing your employee development plan are the following:

Professional networks
Educational institutions
Social media platforms
Support for what exists
You don't really have to reinvent things or go crazy to implement this type of plan. In fact, there are two ways, the first one focused on individual employees and in the early stages of your company's process. With this, workers can analyze their goals and align themselves with the organization.

The second is succession planning, that way you find out where the company needs to expand or hire.

Adapting learning to training
The type of training should be tailored to the employees' tasks. For example, leadership training could focus on mentoring, coaching, or other skills.

If it is based on skills, they can be techniques, on-the-job training, functional components, actions for real situations or scenarios, among others.

Tracking results
Have someone overseeing efforts who spends time evaluating the success of the employee development plan.
Hold regular meetings with employees and ask them how everything is going, what they think, if there are any difficulties, etc.
employee development

Keys to employee development
Recognize that each employee is unique, they are not machines, and not everyone is in it for the money. Many companies do not have the energy or want to invest, but that is where low and ordinary returns lie.
Likewise, everyone has their own personality and way of doing things . Employee development also includes giving workers the freedom to be the best version of themselves and, of course, correctly carry out their work activities.
The plan must go beyond money, employees work better and more if they are recognized and see the purpose behind their work. offers various courses related to the topic of education, training and employee development. For example :

Personal and organizational communication
Public Speaking Course
Leadership , and more.