A gradual decrease in CAPEX can lead to a decrease in profits. For example, if equipment in production has become unusable over time and the company has not replaced it in time, this will lead to a decrease in productivity. Analysis of OPEX and CAPEX distribution is importa We talk about business twenty-four to seven All articles Yandex for Business Clients Practice Promotion Employees Finance In different ways Special project Finance February 27, 2024 How to transfer money from a current account to a personal card Detailed instructions for individual entrepreneurs Article image How to transfer money from a current account to a personal card Commercial banks are required to monitor their clients' financial transactions.
from using fraudulent schemes and cashing out money in violation of the law. poland telegram mobile phone number list For this reason, individual entrepreneurs may face difficulties in withdrawing funds from a current account. In this article, we explain how an individual entrepreneur can transfer money to a personal card and what to do if the bank asks to confirm the transaction.
Can an entrepreneur withdraw money to a personal card? How to transfer funds to yourself and not pay taxes on it What to indicate in a payment order when transferring What are the transfer limits? How to transfer funds to another individual without entering into an agreement with him What to do if the bank has requested confirmation of the transaction Can an entrepreneur withdraw money to a personal card? According to the Letter of the Ministry of Finance No.