As an example, the goals of some actual strategic sessions that have been held can be given:

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As an example, the goals of some actual strategic sessions that have been held can be given:

Post by maksudasm »

"To get the heads of regional departments (150 people) to admit that their work with clients does not produce the desired results, and that they personally, not the management company, are to blame for this. The outcome of the session should be the participants' acceptance of specific proposals on how to organize high-quality service in the branches, and their desire to implement these proposals."

“Find resources that will allow us to reduce the budget for next year by 10% and develop an effective plan for the company’s development.”

“Determine the strategy and plan the transition to the production of new products, create a common understanding of the new business among all participants.”

“Identify all ongoing overseas chinese in usa data projects that overlap to some extent, achieve interconnections between these works and their compliance with the company’s goals, and formulate a strategy for implementing plans.”

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Types of strategic sessions and differences from meetings
Types of strategic sessions:

Communication is an important but under-emphasized process when it comes to establishing contacts, reaching mutual agreement, and presenting a big picture of the company's future.

Portfolio – associated with studying the market situation, choosing the best options, and developing an investment policy.

Business strategies – their goal is to increase competitiveness in their industry.

Product – improving products in accordance with consumer demand.

Crisis – solving urgent company problems. Unlike other sessions, here the focus is primarily on efficiency, not productivity.

The difference between a strategic session and a regular meeting is the absence of standard goals. Of course, solving current problems has become the norm in companies.

In turn, the strategic development session is aimed at defining goals and alternatives. Some companies have never dealt with such tasks before, when managers are faced with an ambiguous situation and try to find a way out of it.

Types of strategic sessions
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