Will the DNI replace physical documents?

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Will the DNI replace physical documents?

Post by bitheerani319 »

Not necessarily. Traditional physical documents will continue to be accepted, as long as they meet the requirements (the driver's license must be valid, for example). Furthermore, drivers will still need to have their driver's license, for example.

The main difference will be convenience: with the DNI on the mobile app, the driver can show this record in a possible traffic inspection, without necessarily having the physical CNH in hand, since the new document will concentrate all the information related to that person.

Why was there this change?
The pilot project to develop a single identification document was egypt phone number list in 2018. Initially, the idea was to combine CPF and Voter Registration numbers into a single record. Over time, the idea was developed and began to include the possibility of including other data.

The main objective of the DNI is to implement an integrated national identification system. Until now, much of the registration information was the responsibility of the states, which made access to information difficult and bureaucratic. Each state issued its own ID, for example.

Furthermore, the implementation of the DNI brings a lot of convenience to the daily lives of the majority of the population, who already use their smartphones for various activities in their routine. Thus, citizens will have access to a document with national validity in a safe and practical way.
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