Automate SEO with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

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Automate SEO with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Post by hasinam2206 »

I won't hide it, when I first read that people considered using ChatGPT to be "advanced SEO", I thought: "What nonsense?!" .

But after talking to several SEO experts and speakers at Ahrefs Evolve, I learned about many interesting and practical ways to use artificial intelligence and machine learning in SEO.

In addition to the clustering method korea telegram suggested by Sally, here are a few other examples.

Automating multilingual keyword translation
One of my favorite ways to use AI in SEO is to quickly translate keywords for international SEO.


Ahrefs' new keyword translator makes this process incredibly simple and efficient thanks to:

Automatic translation of the entire list of keywords with one click.
Preserving local jargon and the nuances of each dialect.
Ability to see search metrics for each translated version.
Availability of multiple translation options for each keyword.
For example, in Spanish dialects, there are dozens of ways to say "popcorn."

Instead of providing just one option, our translator offers multiple options, localizing them according to your target region!

Automating multilingual keyword translation

Since international SEO has always been one of the most valuable “advanced” skills in SEO, any way to simplify and speed up this process is a big plus.

Artificial intelligence can also help optimize your workflow, saving hours on tasks that would otherwise be very time-consuming.
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