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What are the main benefits of integrated communication?

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2025 10:47 am
by monira444
1. Strengthen your brand identity

The first and perhaps main benefit that we can associate with integrated communication is the strengthening of brand identity.

It is worth remembering that a brand has its own personality, just like a person. If an individual changes their behavior every moment, their personal relationships will certainly not be pleasant. This is also seen in companies.

Brands that plan and invest in communication are able to attract and retain more customers through their values, treatment and care for the public.

2. Greater efficiency of communication strategies

Communication has a purpose. When you create a promotion, for example, you want the public to rush and take advantage of the opportunities. To do this, you work on a sense of urgency, scarcity, and others.

However, if communication across different channels is not algeria whatsapp data consistent, your audience will not take the actions you expect.

Therefore, if you execute integrated communication well, your marketing strategies will certainly be more efficient.

3. Integration between teams

Another important point is integration between teams. Integrated communication is also good for the internal public, since the brand culture and its values ​​must be very well-rooted for success.

Your entire team must speak the same language. The content producer, the customer service representatives, the sales team, the product development team, the order fulfillment team… in other words, the entire company must follow the brand identity.

4. Economy

We cannot fail to mention the savings that integrated communication can generate. By using different points of interaction, such as social networks, online chat, email, messaging apps and others, the reach and conversion will be greater than if you simply invest in more expensive contact channels, such as television.

5. Increased sales

Finally, increased sales! Consumers, increasingly demanding, prefer brands that care about their audience, that maintain multiple communication channels and that present a strong identity and personality.

Even the brand's positioning in different scenarios and global events has an impact on the choice to purchase a product or service.

Brands with environmental preservation projects, minority inclusion programs, combating discrimination and other aspects can, in addition to contributing to a better world, have greater added value in the eyes of customers.

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