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Execute Plan Blog ContentsEssential SEO techniques for your project

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2025 3:24 am
by tongfkymm44
1. Search Engine Accessibility
To begin with, before launching any SEO project, it is essential to take into account two points:

That the website is accessible to search engines , that it has a coherent structure and a technology that Google can process.
That it can be found thanks to a good keyword strategy adapted to the product we offer.

2. Adaptability to mobile technology
Surely we have heard at some point: “Don’t swallow the gum, it will stick to your stomach”, right? We can extrapolate this to another of the important points to take into account: the mobile world and web performance.

Any project we undertake must be adapted to the device our users use, present a user-friendly website and Google must be able to understand the content on these devices.

FACT : In 2015, mobile searches on Google surpassed desktop searches.
3. The importance of On Page SEO
MJ also invites us to go back to basics and highlights the importance of having a good on-page foundation. Our projects must have impeccable foundations as this will guarantee us a minimum amount of traffic.

All ON-page SEO consists of elements that we can control.

If it is in our hands, how can we not take good care of them? How can we not direct our project or that of our client towards attracting relevant and qualified traffic?

At this point, the web structure plays a vital role. Here, good page linking, tagging, titles and descriptions come into play.

4. Know the rules of the game well
If at some point in our lives we hear: “As long as you live under my roof, you will follow my rules,” then we can understand that Google also sets its own rules and, if we want to “enter its home” we must respect them.

Google has a series of rules and parameters that, first of all, we must know. So, once we are aware of what Google's guidelines are and how they work, we can choose whether to follow them, skirt them or act strategically to confront them.

Some of Google's key criteria are:

Avoid duplicate content
Do not hide texts
Website accessibility​
Traceable and understandable technologies
Framing of paginations : tags metarobots, canonicals…
In SEO, we will always be faced with a lot of options for the same situation. The complexity lies in knowing which option best fits the situation of the project we are working on. Therefore, the first thing is to know all these options well in order to make a decision in accordance with the context in which we find ourselves.

But for an SEO professional, experience will also come into play here, a super important component. There are components such as intuition and logic that we will never find in Google's guidelines.

Experience, intuition and logic are components that we will never find in Google's rules.

Customer orientation makes you prioritize one action over another. Customers, like anyone else, want to keep a close eye on their pockets and need to know in detail what they are going to spend their money on. Therefore, in our SEO profile, we must also incorporate commercial skills and tell the client what will generate the greatest return and whether it is worth investing in one action or another.

5. The police are not stupid, and neither is Google
Another point we must not forget is penalties . Just as our parents punished us when we misbehaved, Google will also do so without hesitation.

We must not fall into the many temptations we may encounter. A priori, actions such as obtaining links may promise great results, but any dubious practice that involves breaking Google's rules can trigger fatal consequences .

MJ recommends avoiding anything that, in this sense, has to do with links or “doing something artificially.”

Naturalness cannot be imitated.

Links are necessary as external references are very useful when it comes to gaining timeshare owners email database greater authority, but not at any price . In fact, a penalty like this could put an end to your business and recovering the lost SEO traffic due to a penalty of this type is very difficult.

Therefore, if you are thinking of carrying out an SEO strategy to get links, make sure it is always associated with your product , promoting your content or adding value to the community that revolves around your project. In short: go for everything that is natural and don't expose yourself to what Google considers illegal.

6. Analyze the competition
Conducting an SEO analysis of the competition and the sector is essential for all projects.

We will always have competition that does the same thing as us and this will serve as a reflection to see what SEO strategies they carry out and what results they obtain thanks to SEO competitor and market analysis tools , such as Sistrix or Semrush.

It is also very valuable to study what competitors do who, although they do not sell the same as us, occupy places in Google results with keywords that interest me (media, blogs, etc.). Knowing what these competitors do allows me to detect actions that we can apply to our project.

If you find something that works, take it to your field to get more results.

We sometimes hear the phrase “If your friends jump off a bridge, would you?” and in terms of SEO, something similar often happens with trends .

Instead of doing things because everyone else is doing them, MJ urges us to take two actions that are essential for SEO: switching to HTTPS and ensuring mobile adaptability .

At the trend level, these are two factors that should not be missing in any project today. However, the rest of the trends are not applicable to all projects.

For example, the famous AMP is a trend that is being applied to speed up loading speed on mobile sites but it is not possible to enable it for e-commerce or smaller sites.


7. Planning migrations
Sometimes we find ourselves in the situation of having to migrate a website, either to change the domain, brand, web structure, technology... In these cases, we must plan this migration well and carefully plan which redirects need to be made from the original site to the new site.

If we fall into a migration that has already been done and we lose traffic, we will suffer the consequences, although, being quick, we can solve it.

In the event of a loss of traffic or not all routes being rerouted, we have a time frame that will allow us to recover that traffic but, as they say, prevention is better than cure.

8. Responsibility, honesty and respect for work
There are values ​​that must always be present in the day-to-day work of SEO professionals. The client pays for a job and deserves, in return, to be offered excellence in work within deadlines.

We must also keep in mind that it is not about earning more, but about spending less and, therefore, it is also up to the SEO professional to balance the different implementations that we ask of the developers so that they are not too costly for the client.

Finally, as a final conclusion, MJ closes his presentation with the typical phrase that no one likes to hear but that undoubtedly makes a lot of sense: “I told you so.” With this phrase, he highlights that everything we do not measure cannot be improved , so he urges us to measure each action we implement if we want to obtain good results.