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Not Having a Clear Vision and Mission

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2025 3:28 am
by sohanuzzaman56
In starting a startup business , the first step that must be considered is the company's vision and mission. This is important, because if the startup runs without a clear vision and mission, then you will be confused about starting a business. You will also have difficulty facing various problems and challenges, until the target market will fall and be defeated by competitors. Remember, the company's vision and mission are like a foundation or root that must be solid and strong, so that in the future the pace of business can be easier and smoother.

2. Not Having a Growth Plan
In addition to the vision and mission, having a business plan is also important to oversee the growth process of a startup business. After all, starting a business is not just about starting a business, but also about surviving and long-term targets. This is also often ignored by startup entrepreneurs who assume that these problems can be thought about while the business is running.

As a result, businesses tend to stagnate due to the unpreparedness list of slovenia cell phone numbers of concepts and long-term plans. In fact, the worst possibility is that businesses can be threatened with failure due to unpreparedness in facing various challenges and obstacles. Of course, this will be different if you already have a mature concept and plan. In addition to more focused and planned business growth and development, you will also be more aware and prepared regarding risk management.

3. Lack of Initial Capital
Starting a business is indeed inseparable from capital matters. Likewise when establishing a startup that certainly requires a lot of capital. It cannot be denied that the size of the capital also affects the development of the business. Startups with minimal capital will certainly not develop the same as those with sufficient or even large capital. Because in fact, the lack of initial capital can indeed be a inhibiting factor in the early stages of pioneering.

But of course, the size of this capital must also be balanced with good financial management skills. None other than so that money can be used properly to get as much profit as possible.