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What is rapport in sales?

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:45 am
by fatimahislam
Rapport is a form of communication that brings people together and delights them. It is part of the core of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and acts as a central pillar.

Through rapport we can have more assertive communication between two individuals or groups of people.

Of English origin, rapport means “to bring back”, which is coupled with the real meaning in practice, which would be to bring empathy, trust and connection .

We, human beings, like people who are similar to us. In many uk email address list everyday examples, we meet people who seem to have always been in our lives. This also happens due to the connection of informal rapport, which is the similarity that we do not realize we have.
It all starts with the “mirror” neuron, which is responsible for everything that happens in our communication and makes us like people who are most similar to us.

Another important curiosity is that when we talk to someone similar to us, our brain ends up “wasting” less energy , which makes us want to talk to that person more, making it comfortable and pleasant.


Basically, rapport consists of observing the other person's behavior, communication and posture. Those who build rapport repeat the following mantra many times a day:

“Observe, observe and follow.”

For this construction to be assertive with your client, we need to adapt to each one's style.

Tips for assertive rapport
Use body language
Example: Subtly make the same body gestures as the customer. The person is sitting at the table and leans in to talk, lean in too.

We are not mimics who imitate all gestures, but some gestures can be imitated in a slight way to create similarity. Remember: our brain likes similarity.

Show genuine interest in the other person
Try to understand what is really important to that client. Start by trying to understand them, their tastes and interests.

When you enter the client’s room, look at the paintings, the details on the table and, if there is something you really like, comment on it. This will work as a great “icebreaker” and can bring you closer together.

Learn expressions
Pay attention to how the other person communicates verbally and insert them into the conversation, subtly .

Pay attention to important information
Pay attention to how the other person likes to receive information: whether they like details or are more direct . Based on these observations, try to communicate better with your client.

Always smile
We never get a second chance to make a good first impression, so always be friendly!

Call the person by name
Hearing our name causes a good feeling in the brain, reminding us that it has to be the name that the person likes to be called . Ask her her name. If she answers “Carol”, call her that instead of Maria Carolina, for example.

Rapport is like a dance: we need to follow, follow, and follow before we can lead . Stepping is, as NLP describes it, the flexibility to respectfully learn to match the behavior and vocabulary of others.

The driving part is when we try to subtly lead the person to our way of thinking or ideas of how our product can actually change the client's company!

Good salespeople easily get into the “ customer’s rhythm ” and show genuine interest in the conversation, thus learning everything about the other person and applying it in the best way, with all the respect that we can have in any assertive communication.
If you’ve made it this far, I hope my article has helped you think more about your sales process.