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9 rules for ensuring commercial security of an enterprise

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2025 5:28 am
by maksudasm
When creating a company security system, the following principles should be followed:

Warning of potential threats

Many problems can be prevented before they become serious. Preventing internal violations and external attacks will help minimize risks.

Actions within the law

Measures to combat line database threats to the commercial security of an enterprise must be strictly within the legal framework. Illegal methods of confrontation are unacceptable, this can lead to negative consequences for the business.

Rules for Ensuring Commercial Security

Joining forces

Activities should be conducted using all the resources at your disposal. Ensuring commercial security is most effective when each employee understands the need to take care of the preservation of material property, the integrity of information, and the inadmissibility of actions that can damage the company's reputation. All activities aimed at combating threats are recorded in the enterprise's action plan.

Coordination of the activities of the company's divisions and communication with special services

The concept of protection is implemented by the joint efforts of all internal structures, as well as with the help of specialists from external organizations. The function of establishing interaction is assumed by the enterprise security service, and in its absence - by one of the company's managers.

Publicity and secrecy

Staff should be kept informed about key business development trends, but at the same time, the circle of employees with access to confidential information should be limited to the necessary minimum.


Factors that can harm the enterprise must be countered by professionals who are well versed in the subject.

Economic feasibility

The costs of providing commercial security should not be excessive, otherwise the point of holding such events will be lost.

Having a program of action

The effectiveness of work in this direction is ensured by creating a plan and strictly following its points. All measures to counteract internal and external threats must be elements of a well-thought-out program that reflects the participation of various departments of the enterprise and specific key employees.


Hazard mitigation activities make sense if they are carried out systematically rather than sporadically, in response to emerging problems. They should be based on preventive measures aimed at preventing threats rather than combating them.