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It is not about reiterating structures but about assigning distinctions

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2025 5:28 am
by mahbubamim077
And all of this from a legal perspective: this is also legal structuring, as we have demonstrated. This is the new horizon, the new demand; these are the skills that are now required and that justify the hiring of lawyers. Does that seem like a lot? Financing with interest rates set at a certain level and the provision of bonuses (interest rate reductions) if targets such as reducing carbon emissions (and/or emissions of other pollutants), reducing energy consumption, hiring female or Afro-descendant leaders, among other ESG criteria, are already being registered in the market. It is necessary to assimilate these references in order to offer the corresponding legal technology to companies: a technology that transforms corporate management, making it compatible with market advances.

It would be better if environmental and social management, among others, were bulk sms france assigned a separate board of directors or a head, but this is typical of larger corporations, which have more complex – and bloated – management charts. However, even if there is only one corporate administrator, it is possible to separate environmental and/or social management, among others, which is done not by different people, but by differentiating the acts of the same person: the administrator and/or manager.

This is a direct application of the general line of this book: what a company is, from the market perspective, is a series of legal acts, from the legal perspective. And the definition of standards (should-be) by means of which the architecture of the corporation is created, from the primary to the tertiary normative platform, is a means of highlighting environmental, social and good governance management. Let's take an example: the articles of association of a limited company, a micro-enterprise, a brick factory that produces artisanal bricks: