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Check your robots.txt file to make sure the pages

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2025 5:57 am
by rakibhasanbd4723
In the era of mobile technologies, having a responsive design is critical. If the site is not optimized for mobile devices, it will not only lead to a bad user experience, but also to a decrease in search rankings, since Google actively takes into account the mobile version when ranking.
Ensure your site is responsive. Use mobile versions that adapt to any device screen. Test your site with tools like Google Mobile-Friendly Test to ensure it meets standards.
Unable to index pages
Some website owners are bulk sms qatar unaware that search engines cannot index pages due to incorrect robots.txt settings or noindex meta tags. This is also one of the reasons why a website does not get to the TOP.
you want indexed aren't blocked. Use Google Search Console tools to monitor which pages are indexed and which aren't.
Underestimation of behavioral factors
Behavioral factors play an important role in SEO. If users leave the site immediately, it signals to the search engine that the site is not relevant to the query.
Focus on creating quality content that will be interesting and useful to your target audience. Work on improving usability: improve the navigation structure, improve loading speed, and make the site design convenient and attractive.
Recommendations for risk reduction
Testing changes