Mistakes in business correspondence

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Mistakes in business correspondence

Post by subornaakter40 »

It can cost a company dearly if one of its employees does not know the rules of business correspondence. Failure to comply with them reduces the effectiveness of communication, and this can lead to dissatisfied clients and partners leaving. Below, we will consider the main mistakes that occur in business communication:

Errors in the address bar
Usually, sending emails to the wrong recipient list of philippines cell phone numbers is due to carelessness. If you mixed up the email address and sent the email to the wrong recipient, simply follow up with a message apologizing for the inconvenience.

Errors in the address bar

Source: shutterstock.com

However, if the email contained important information about your company and your product, there could be problems. For example, if the email gets to your competitors.

So remember the rule: before sending an important message, carefully check your email. This way you will minimize the risk of errors.

A letter made of "water"
Business messages should be short and clear. Only then will the correspondence be effective. Otherwise, it will be just a set of meaningless texts.

The interlocutor will have to reread your message several times to understand the essence. Save him from this need and make it a rule to write specifically. To do this, before sending the message, ask yourself: “Why am I writing this message? What result do I want to get? What is the main idea that needs to be conveyed?”

Make sure you present it in clear and simple language. If the message is long, state the key topic at the very beginning. For example: "I propose to summarize the results of our joint work in this quarter and make a plan for the next one."

Specific vocabulary
Often, employees use a lot of jargon, complex terms, abbreviations and acronyms in their letters. If possible, all of this should be avoided unless you are completely sure that the recipient also knows this “professional” language.

If you can't get rid of specific vocabulary completely, make footnotes with transcripts or create a dictionary in the app. Otherwise, the recipient will literally decipher the meaning of your message.

It is also worth mentioning the appropriate style here. Overly familiar communication is unacceptable, as well as writing messages in the spirit of personal correspondence. Compare these two sentences:

"Let's meet in room 23 at 4:30 p.m. You need to bring your documents with you, be prepared to stay there until closing time."

"Colleagues, I propose that we meet to discuss the details of the current project. The meeting will be held in room 23 of our company's head office today at 16:30. Please bring with you all documents related to the project. Since there are many issues on the agenda, the meeting may last until 20:00."

The second option is more informative and official.

Delaying the answer
A question that would take half an hour to resolve in person can be discussed all day long in correspondence. One of the reasons is the long answers of one or both interlocutors.
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