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Estabilidad visual (Cumulative Layout Shift –CLS)

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2025 6:28 am
by samiaseo222
Unexpected content movement” is a metric that measures how much the layout of a page changes as it loads. This metric helps us quantify how often users of a website experience layout changes. CLS metrics cannot be higher than 0.25 to allow for smooth, natural visual transitions.

Cumulative Layout Shift - CLS
Let's see the analysis with an example:

We can use the Google Page Insight tool cio cto email list to analyze all these metrics and see how a website behaves, how long it takes to load the content.

Analyzing the El País website we can see that it has a good performance, since most of the metrics are optimized.

Google Speed ​​Insight Metrics
Also, thanks to Google Speed ​​Insight we can see the errors and changes that we should make to optimize these metrics that are essential to have a good browsing experience.

Errores Google Speed Insight
Other metrics to consider are:
Adaptation to mobile devices: Mobile devices, tablets and smartphones, account for around 80% of Internet searches, which makes it essential for our website to be visible on them.
Safe browsing: Refers to the need for any user (adult or minor) to access the Internet with the guarantee that their rights are respected.
https protocol: It is an Internet communication protocol that protects the integrity and confidentiality of user data between their computers and the website.
Avoid intrusive elements : These are different elements such as confusing menus, navigation areas, a poor interface, etc. that affect web browsing and cause a bad user experience.