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Developing recommendations for improving a web resource

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2025 6:53 am
by subornaakter40
Based on the collected data, the site analyst develops recommendations for improving the web resource. This may include:

Changes in the site structure

Content optimization

Improved navigation

Speed ​​up page loading

Developing recommendations for improving a mexico mobile phone numbers database web resource


The work of a website analyst is a constant process of improvement and optimization. After all, in the world of online business, there is no limit to perfection!

Now you see that a website analyst is not just a person who sits and looks at charts. This is a real strategist who helps a business grow and develop on the Internet. And if an entrepreneur wants his website to work like a well-oiled machine, he cannot do without a web analyst!

Necessary skills and tools for working as a website analyst
If you decide to connect your career with web analytics, you will need a whole arsenal of skills and tools. Let's figure out what a successful website analyst should have in his piggy bank.

Technical skills of a web analyst
Working as a website analyst requires some technical knowledge. Here's what you'll need:

HTML and CSS - A basic understanding of these languages ​​will help you better analyze the structure of a website and find problems in the code.

JavaScript . Knowledge of JavaScript basics is necessary for working with web analytics systems and setting up event tracking on a website.

SQL : Knowing how to work with databases will help you extract and analyze large amounts of information.

Basics of Statistics Without understanding statistical methods of data analysis, you will have a hard time making accurate conclusions and predictions.

Don't be afraid if you don't have all these skills yet. The main thing is the desire to learn and develop!

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