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EdgeRank – What it is and how it influences the reach of Facebook posts

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2025 8:24 am
by monira444
EdgeRank is a Facebook algorithm that determines, taking into account some factors, what the reach of a page/profile's publications will be based on the history of the content published on it .

How could he score a post that hasn't been published yet? By analyzing its history! Then, based on that, each new post gets points.

In this sense, if your post receives a low score, few people will see it in the news feed.

However, if the post receives a high score, more people will be able to see it organically.

You must be wondering: what is the meaning of Edge and Rank?

Let us explain!

Edge corresponds to all actions that occur within Facebook: likes, comments, shares, tags. Every interaction, every action, is part of Edge .

Rank , as the word itself bahamas whatsapp data suggests, is responsible for ranking all these actions .

Let's give an example:
Adove Facebook Profile

You've liked Adobe's Facebook page and have been liking some posts, commenting on them, and even sharing our content. This part is Edge.

After this period, Rank comes into action and analyzes all the interactions you had with our content.

And then it provides a rating, it establishes a degree of importance that Adobe content has for you.

Of course, you like other pages and it does this process on all of them.

Then he creates a scoreboard, so to speak, and those with whom you interacted, had the most contact, will be at the top. And those with the least interaction, near the bottom.

Got it? But where does the news feed come in?

By doing this ranking, if you interact with Adobe more than with the other pages, and thus, if Adobe is among the first in the list, it will appear in your news feed frequently.

After all, have you ever imagined how polluted Facebook would be if only content from pages appeared and nothing from your friends and family?

Tip: In January 2018, Facebook changed the relevance of company posts on the social network precisely with the aim of bringing back users and offering only truly relevant content, giving priority to posts from friends and family. The article on the subject can be read here .