First, researchers need to define the research problem, determine the purpose of the study, and then proceed with a plan that includes the research method or methods to be used in the code phone number philippines process. Quantitative research works better than qualitative research when we want to establish the scale of a phenomenon and determine its relative or absolute numerical characteristics.
They offer the possibility of making statistical inferences, which is useful when we want to determine the level of the studied phenomenon in the population as a whole. We should choose this type of survey when we are looking for information about the status or trend of a phenomenon in the market. It also allows us to estimate the amount of demand for a particular good or service and in which groups (e.g. ethnic, age, occupational, etc.) they are most popular. This method should also be used when we want to determine the frequency and most popular periods of the phenomenon studied.

We can compare and relate quantitative surveys to the population as a whole, as they are conducted on much larger groups of people than qualitative surveys. Their results are more reliable and subject to fewer errors and risks of the survey not being representative.
Thanks to the numerical results obtained and various statistical methods, we can also estimate what a trend will be in a few years. In addition, in most cases quantitative research does not require as much time as qualitative research, so those who have very little time to conduct a survey should opt for the quantitative method.