Aspects of experience when facing an interview are to avoid hypotheses and look for concrete and real facts to ask a client.
The use of digital tools when conducting surveys or focus groups is an important element in improving the user experience.
Aspects of experience when facing an interview are to indonesia business email list avoid hypotheses and look for concrete and real facts to ask a client.

the daily and emotional relationship with customers is very large and therefore has a lot of influence.
Carrying out a customer analysis in an outsourced manner (with an entity outside the relationship) provides a certain degree of impartiality in the result and in the method (for example, personal interviews).
In our case, many companies turn to our service seeking this impartiality, experience in B2B and Industrial environments and to improve the quality of the response.
But also to repeat the process annually, integrating the results into the teams and especially to help them create realistic action plans.